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Scratch Maze Instructions

Step 1: Draw the Maze

In this phase, we’re going to draw a maze, we need one color for
the background and one color for the path of the maze. We will put
a circle at the start and a circle at the end.

change the brush size
  1. Edit the backdrop
  2. Fill it with a solid color
  3. Choose a color for your maze path (white)
  4. Draw a filled start circle with the circle tool
  5. Choose a color for you ending
  6. Draw an end circle
  7. Pick the “paint brush” tool
  8. Switch back to the maze path color
  9. Make the line width big enough so that your sprite will be able to fit in it, almost as big as it goes
  10. Draw the winning path to the maze
  11. Add dead ends to your maze

The maze is ready!

Step 2: Add arrow key controls to your sprite

Now, we’re going to pick a sprite, shrink it down,
and write a program so that we can move it with the arrow keys

  1. Pick a sprite that will go through the maze
  2. Drag it to the start circle
  3. Shrink the sprite’s costume down so it can fit easily in your maze path
  4. Switch to scripts
  5. Under the “Events” blocks, choose When space key pressed and drag it to your program area
  6. Change the argument from “space key” to “right arrow”
  7. Under the event block, add a move block: change x by 2 — remember that changing x moves the sprite to the right.
  8. Repeat the process for the left arrow, but change x by -2 negative (minus) numbers move the spite to the left
  9. Repeat for the up arrow and down arrow, but instead of change x you’re going to use a change y move block

Step 3: Look out for crashes

Next, we start our sprite in the start circle. If the player leaves the
path, they get sent back to start. We will also check to see if they finish in time.

  1. Drag your sprite into the start circle
  2. Add a Click when Started (green flag) block
  3. Add a goto x,y block — this will move your sprite to the start circle when the green flag is clicked
  4. Under control, add a repeat until loop block
  5. Under sensing, drag a touching color sensing block into the repeat until condition
  6. Click the color on that block and then click the your end circle — the sprite will move until the player reaches the end of the maze
  7. Add an if ... then block that sends the player home if they touch the background color.

Advanced ideas

  1. Add more levels
  2. Add a countdown clock, when time runs out, Game Over
  3. Add a scoreboard: sprite gets points for all of the time left on the clock, clearing levels, etc.
  4. Add “power ups”: add bonus sprites into the path, if the player collects them, they get points.
  5. Add a “run” key so that the sprite moves faster when they hold shift.
  6. Give the player more than one life.
  7. Add your own ideas!

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