In the second meeting of Code Club we are working to finish up project number
one, Telling Jokes. Every student will finish their basic joke, and make
sure they save it in their own Scratch account. Most students will add
movement and other effects to their joke. We will introduce ideas of loops and
the (x,y) coordinate system. Advanced students will have the opportunity to explore
messaging, list variables, events, and the Scratch random function.
- Set realistic goals for what we want to accomplish with our first program.
- Understand the x,y coordinate system for moving sprites
- Understand that functions have parameters/take arguments
- Understand that being able to repeat statements is important
- Scratch goals:
- Learn how to change costumes and backgrounds
- Explore the paint tools
- Practice logging into Scratch
- Learn to
projects - Learn the Scratch finite loop block
Set-up (10 minutes)
Organize the students into 3 groups–with a combination of self-selection and guidance.
- Group 1: New Scratchers
- Group 2: animation and effects
- Group 3: variables, buttons, events
Everyone is logged in and has their project up from last week.
Group Meetings (10 minutes)
Instructors meet with each group and ask the kids what they were working
on last week, what they accomplished, and what they want to add to their
projects. They explain how the Scratch Cards work, and walk through
some of the demo projects.
If a group is waiting for an instructor, they can work on their projects
or look through the demos on their own.
Code Studio (50 minutes)
Students work individually or with a partner on their project. Instructors
offer suggestions, do mini-demos, and facilitate peer-instruction.
Saving (10 minutes)
Students make their last edits to their projects. Every student saves their
project and shares it. Some new projects will be added to the jokes studio. If
people were working with teams, teammates will remix
projects into their
own accounts.
Sharing/Wrap-up (10 minutes)
Students will be chosen at random to have the opportunity to show their
joke/project to the whole class on the projector. They will run their
project and then talk through their code. Instructors guide them to use
domain specific vocabulary where needed. Terms include: sprite
, background
, loop
, event
, variable
, argument